Welcome to the final entry in my Vue Quick Shot series. I'll share all the links at the end of this post. I hope this week's series has been helpful and if you enjoyed it, please drop me a comment and I'll definitely consider doing another series in the future. For my fifth and final Vue Quick Shot, I'm not going to write a line of code. Instead I'm going to share links to resources that have helped me learn Vue and become a better developer. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of everything out there for Vue, but rather a more focused list on things that helped me personally.

- The Docs - It should come as no surprise that the core docs are where any new developer should start. I'd only point out that you shouldn't miss the excellent Cookbook as well. I didn't notice it for months.
- Vue Forum - The official Vue forum. Pretty heavily used and you typically get an answer to anything relatively soon. There's also a pretty busy Stackoverflow tag for Vue.
- Amazing Vue - A huge list of cool things done in Vue. Basically if you need X for Vue, check here first.
- Sarah Drasner on CSS-Tricks - Part one of a five part series on Vue. It's especially good in the animations area, a part of Vue I've never played with.
- Devtools Extension - The devtools extension is nice, and supported in most browsers, but may be more useful to people using Vuex. Honestly unless I'm using Vuex, I just use console messages.
- Newsletters - You can, and should, sign up for both the official newsletter and the Vue.js Developers newsletter. For those of us who can't spend all day glued to Twitter, this is the best way to get the news about what's going on with Vue.
- And finally, I've got nearly 100 posts tagged with Vue and at least a few of them are worth your time. I also write about Vue from time to time for other publications and I keep a list of them on my About page.
That's it! I hope these small nuggets have been helpful to you this week, and as I said, leave me a comment below with your thoughts!