My name is Raymond Camden. I'm a married father of eight living in beautiful Lafayette, Louisiana. I'm a developer evangelist currently looking for next job. Most of my time is spent writing, researching, or presenting. When I'm not behind a computer, I'm an avid Xbox/Playstation player, enjoy movies, and read like crazy.
I've been lucky to have been invited to speak at many conferences over the years. If you would like me to speak at your conference or organization, please contact me. I can cover pretty much any topic you see my blog about, but feel free to request just about anything. I love presenting on topics I'm not yet familiar with as it gives me a chance to learn something new.
I'm somewhat of a Star Wars nerd - but don't tell anyone else I told you that.
If you find this content useful (currently at 6600 posts), please consider visiting my Amazon Wishlist to show your appreciation. Since Amazon will often not tell me who purchased a gift for me, drop me a line to let me know!
I have not done a great job of tracking my various articles on other websites, but the list below is somewhat complete from 2013.
- Why Alpine is the new jQuery and Why that is an Awesome Thing
- Handling Paste Events in JavaScript
- Writing to the Clipboard in JavaScript
- Reading from the Clipboard in JavaScript
- Building Infographics With Cloudinary and the National Park Service API
- Further Image Optimization Tips With Netlify
- Integrating Cloudinary Image Optimization With Netlify Hosting
- Checking Network Strength to Progressively Load Better Images With Cloudinary
- Automatically Loading High-Quality Images with Cloudinary and IntersectionObserver
- Mashing Up Google Static Maps with Cloudinary
- Markdown Guide for Verpex
- Digging into Alpine.js for Verpex
- Top Six Things to Avoid in Your Website for Verpex
- Exploring Alternatives to Google Analytics for Verpex
- A (Hopefully) Gentle Introduction to Serialized and Event Sourcing for
- Jamstack vs. WordPress: My Journey for Verpex
- Jamstack Hosting Solutions: Challengers to the Throne for Snipcart
- Wrangling Control Over PDFs with the Adobe PDF Embed API for CSS-Tricks
- Static Site Comments: A Jamstack How-To for Snipcart
- 11ty Tutorial: Cranking Your Jamstack Blog Up to 11! for Snipcart
- Contact Form Processing Made Easy with Netlify for Snipcart
- Comparing the web page designs of three Vue UI libraries for LogRocket
- Charting with Vue: A comparison for LogRocket
- Voice Assistants and the JAMstack for Stackbit
- Searching the JAMStack for Stackbit
- Compiling Content Stats for a JAMstack Site Using Eleventy for Stackbit
- Integrating GeoJSON in Your Static Sites for HERE
- Great Guide to Generating Good GeoJSON for HERE
- An Introduction to GeoJSON for HERE
- Tips for Vue Developers Picking Up NativeScript
- Getting Your Route On with NativeScript-Vue: Episode Two
- Getting Your Route On with NativeScript-Vue: Episode One
- Making the Move from jQuery to Vue for CSS-Tricks
- Client-Side Storage in NativeScript Applications
- Working with Vuex in Your NativeScript-Vue Application - Now with Cats!
- Working with Vuex in Your NativeScript-Vue Application
- Building Apps with Vue.js for Telerik
- Building a RSS Viewer with Vue: Part 1 for css-tricks.
- Building a RSS Viewer with Vue: Part 2 for css-tricks.
- Batch Processing with Compilers for Extend by Auth0
- Expanding Auth0 Extend with Compilers for Auth0.
- A Gentle and Practical Introduction to Progressive Web Apps - Part 4 for Telerik.
- A Gentle and Practical Introduction to Progressive Web Apps - Part 3 for Telerik.
- Build A i18n Filter Using Vue.js & Native Web Specs for VueJS Developers.
- A Gentle and Practical Introduction to Progressive Web Apps for Telerik.
- A Gentle and Practical Introduction to Progressive Web Apps - Part 2 for Telerik.
- A View to Vue.js for DZone
- How I'm (Not) Using jQuery for the Telerik Developer Network
- Why Serverless? for the Telerik Developer Network
- Have Web Standards on Mobile Caught Up to Phonegap in 2017? Pt. 2 for the Telerik Developer Network
- Have Web Standards on Mobile Caught Up to Phonegap in 2017? Pt. 1 for the Telerik Developer Network
- Best Practices for Developers Learning Loopback for IBM developerWorks
- Web Development: Applications and Frameworks for DZone
- Building Node-based APIs with the LoopBack Framework for Telerik Developer Network
- A Baseline for Hybrid Mobile Developers for Ionic
- Tools to Learn JavaScript by Doing for the Telerik Developer Network
- Leveling Up Your JavaScript for the Telerik Developer Network
- A Review of JavaScript Error Monitoring Services for the Telerik Developer Network
- Advanced Image Editing in the Browser for the Telerik Developer Network
- A Review of ContentTools – a Rich Content Editor for the Telerik Developer Network
- Merging Dynamic and Static Sites for the Telerik Developer Network
- The Epic, Awesome & Supremely Useful Data Attribute for the Telerik Developer Network
- A Case Study in JavaScript Code Improvement for the Telerik Developer Network
- Easy and Sharable Local Web Servers with Fenix for Flippin' Awesome
- Using the HTML5 Gamepad API to Add Controller Support to Browser Games for Game Tuts
- Working with Intl for Nettuts+
- Expose Yourself with ngrok for Flippin' Awesome
- HTML out of the Browser for Mozilla Hacks
- Debugging with Firefox DevTools for Nettuts+
- Creating Brackets Extensions for Nettuts+
- An Overview of Mobile Debugging - Part 2 for DZone
- Working with IndexedDB - Part 3 for Nettuts+
- Moving to Static and Keeping Your Toys for flippin' awesome
- An Overview of Mobile Debugging Techniques – Part One for DZone
- Deeper in the Brackets Editor for Nettuts+
- Working with IndexedDB - Part 2 for Nettuts+
- New Linting API for the Brackets blog
- Working With IndexedDB for Nettuts+
- Working with jQuery Mobile Panels for DZone
- Going Live with Node for Nettuts+
- Introduction to Express for Nettuts+
Recent Articles on Medium
Here is my most recent set of articles on Medium. For a full list, see my profile.
- Help Preview the Adobe Export and Import Form Data API
- Adobe Acrobat Services SDKs Updated and Revised
- Introducing the Adobe PDF Watermark API
- Introducing Webhook Support in Acrobat Services
- Introducing the Adobe PDF Accessibility Checker API Beta
- Dynamically Generating Document Samples — Part Two
- Integrating the Photoshop API with Python
- Dynamically Generating Document Samples with Acrobat Services
- Using the Adobe Photoshop API on Workfront Fusion
- Acrobat Services Updates for August 2023
My Videos/Courses
- Getting Up to Speed with Vue.js
- Building APIs with LoopBack
- Learning Ionic
- Client-Side Data Storage
- JavaScript Templating
- Introduction to jQuery
My Books
Here are my older books - all related to ColdFusion:
- Adobe ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit: ColdFusion 10 Enhancements and Improvements
- Adobe ColdFusion 9 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 1
- Adobe ColdFusion 9 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 2
- Adobe ColdFusion 9 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 3
- Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 1
- Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 2
- Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 3
- Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Web Application Construction Kit
- Mastering ColdFusion MX
- ColdFusion MX Developer's Handbook
- Allaire Spectra e-Business Construction Kit