Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

The last seven days have been... difficult. I don't think I need to go into why (even for my non-American readers), but I am doing my best, as are a lot of people, to take things day by day. Honestly, as a white hetero man, I'm not so much worried for myself, but I'm deeply concerned about my family and friends who are LGBTQ+ and other minorities. I don't talk a lot about my children here as I want to ensure their privacy is maintained, but seven of my kids are adopted and Asian and my usual worry for them has risen quite a bit.

Normally, my links here are almost always tech-related, but today I'm going to do something different. The links below are resources that, I think probably folks in the groups I described above already know about, but if you're like me, it could help you help others, which is always a good thing. I promise to bring back the tech links next time, but this is too important to wait.

LGBTQ Resource List

Earlier today I asked on Bluesky if any of my followers had any links/suggestions for resources for people who are LGBTQ. Unfortunately, I didn't get any responses to that, but I did find a good list of links at glaad.org that may be of use. The list covers categories from youth to aging to legal and more so:

LGBTQ Resource List


The Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network first came to my attention when Tori Amos was their spokesperson in the 90s. They operate a sexual assault hotline and have programs meant to help prevent abuse and help survivors. At some point years ago they used ColdFusion and a developer there reached out for help. I was able to do something simple and small for them and I was glad to help out where I could.

Find out more at https://rainn.org/

Stop AAPI Hate

I first heard of AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islanders) back when Trump was first elected. This organization was founded to help stop racism and discrimination against both groups in America.

Find out more at https://stopaapihate.org/

One More...

Usually, I end these posts with something fun, or cool music, but I thought this would be more appropriate. Honestly, I had no idea Kate McKinnon could play, or sing.

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