Technically I'm on vacation, but I love these link-sharing posts and decided I could tear myself away from... doing nothing. As a quick reminder, if you enjoy these posts, and this blog, please consider visiting my Amazon wishlist or buying me a coffee, which, to be clear, isn't really buying me a coffee, just a handy little donation portal. I'm also open to sponsorship and if that's an interest, drop me a line. Ok, enough of the PBS Pledge Break, let's get to the links.

Web Components Gotcha with connectedCallback

I've been enjoying working with web components the past year or so, and in general, they aren't difficult to work with, but like the web platform in general, there are some unexpected gotchas you may run into. In his post, Custom Elements; Unconnected Callback, David Bushell talks about an issue you may run into with the connectedCallback handler and the content contained with a pair of tags. If you are developing web components, absolutely check out this article to avoid issues in the future.

An Introduction to JSONPath

Here's a cool introduction to a cool technique, parsing JSON with path expressions: How to use JSON Path. JSONPath lets you query against complex JSON data and parse out the bits you want. JSONPath isn't new (apparently it was first discussed in 2007), but it's not something I see a lot of people talking about so I was happy to see a post discussing it. You may also find JSONata interesting as well. Adobe uses it for its Document Generation API.

I Promise this is an Excellent Promise Resource

This will be, I believe, the fourth time I've featured Josh Comeau on this series, and that's because he continues to make incredibly well-done technical blogs. He's done it again, this time with a kick-butt introduction to JavaScript Promises, Promises From the Ground Up. If you've never seen his work, and are the world's best expert in Promises, do yourself a favor and click anyway. He is a master craftsman in technical writing.

And last but not least...

One of the things on my bucket list is to make time to take drum lessons. It's been something I've been kicking around in my head for a few years and I absolutely plan on it, but want to wait till my young ones are a little bit older. It's also one of those things where if I somehow end up on my deathbed, I'm not going to be kicking myself for not getting around to it. I want to do it, but I'm also fine waiting. With that in mind, I've been watching drumming videos on YouTube and really enjoying watching people play. I came across this video and... well the camera work is horrible. Like, really, really bad. That being said, try your best to ignore that and focus on the skill of the player, and the great sound.