Happy Saturday to everyone, especially those who like me, skipped yard work and finished a video game instead. Tomorrow is Father's Day and I hope every Father, Step-Father, Not a "Real" Father but Does the Dang Job Father, and so forth have a wonderful day. I'm the proud father of eight and am so happy that my children bring me so much joy, and teach me patience. Let's get to the links!

As a reminder, the point of this series is to share cool stuff with you, my favorite reader. I typically post three links every two weeks. If you've got something you would like me to share, just drop me a line and I'll take a look!

A Year of the 11ty Bundle

This share is a bit old, as the post came out a month and a half ago, but the 11ty Bundle site is now a year old. Built as a one-stop shop of Eleventy resources, this is a great way to both learn about Eleventy and keep up with the latest demos, posts, and more. Huge thanks to Bob Monsour for creating and maintaining this resource, and you can read more about the year in review here: "The 11ty Bundle continues - A year in review"

Eleventy Filters

Let's keep a good theme going, shall we? Next up is a cool list of Eleventy filters written up by Chris Burnell. This is a great collection of filters along with examples of how to use them. My favorite is numberStringFormat.

The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good

Well heck, might as well make it an Eleventy week? Last up is the live-streamed Eleventy conference, "The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good". I love that name. It's over six hours of content and multiple different sessions. Check out it out below:

One More Thing...

I mentioned above I put off yard work to finish a game. That game was PowerWash Simulator which if you're wondering, yes, it is a game where you use a power washer to clean stuff. I know, sounds lame, right? I downloaded as part of Xbox's Game Pass program (more on that below) and quickly got addicted. It's incredibly simple. There are no time limits. No health bars or lives. You can't lose. All you do is clean. Either an environment like a house or park, or a vehicle. It's incredibly simple and best of all, incredibly satisfying. I can't describe how calming this game is and I can't remember a game like it. Obviously, this is going to be a hit or miss for most folks, but I absolutely suggest checking it out.

I first got XBox's Game Pass service three or four years ago. It's basically Netflix for games where you can download and play any game from the library. Each month, games are added, and some taken away, but it's a pretty extensive selection of games. Best of all, I have discovered so many really fun games. Heck, it's actually kind of rare for me to buy games now as I can typically find something on Game Pass to occupy me for a few weeks at a time. If you've ever worried about how much you'll actually enjoy a game, Game Pass gives you a safe way to spend time with a game without the commitment.

PowerWash Simulator