Welcome to another Sunday post of links. I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying gathering these and sharing them, so I hope yall find value in them as well. Let's get started!

Jasper, Static Site Generator for ColdFusion

For readers who may be new here, I was heavily involved with Adobe ColdFusion for a good twenty years or so. I don't really do much with it now, but I just got back from speaking at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit and it was a great opportunity to meet with a great community. My buddy Robert Zehnder has been working on a ColdFusion Static Site Generator for a few months now and it's a great project. He's been blogging about it and you can browse the repository as well. He recently added CommandBox support which makes installation simple. Check it out!

WebC, Web Components For Eleventy

I've been blogging about web components a lot lately and I'm pretty excited about the technology. I was thrilled to hear that Eleventy's creator Zach Leatherman has a new plugin for Eleventy, WebC. WebC lets you use web components in your Eleventy projects and render them completely server-side. He's got a good introduction article here: Adding Components to Eleventy with WebC. I plan on digging into this very soon.

Here's a quick video introduction:

Markdown Guide

Typically I try to have these links focus on other people and projects, but I also like to highlight writing I do off of this blog. A good month or so, I wrote an introduction to Markdown for Verpex: Markdown Guide. I've been using Markdown for quite some time now but I'm still learning things here and there. Markdown has that great combination of power and simplicity that I love.

That's all for today - have a great week!