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It's been a little while since I've blogged about Alpine.js, and I thought an example of integrating Google Maps with it would be a good way to continue my path to becoming comfortable with the framework. I imagined it would be fairly simple, but in building a few demos I ran into some interesting issues that helped me learn a bit more about Alpine. Let's take a look.

My Data

All of my examples are going to use the same set of data - a few Spirit Halloween stores close to my location. I went to their site, opened up dev tools, and copied the location of seven stores. I tweaked the data on one that was super close to another location and added a value that represents if a store is open twenty-four hours a day. Spirit stores don't do that, but I had a plan for it later.

        "lat": 30.175776,
        "lng": -92.077008,
        "lat": 30.173529,
        "lng": -92.078997,
        "lat": 30.394324,
        "lng": -91.086551,
        "lat": 30.176162,
        "lng": -93.219241,
        "lat": 31.269887,
        "lng": -92.46034,
        "lat": 29.61629,
        "lng": -90.757389,
        "lat": 30.486217,
        "lng": -90.45677,

Starting Simple - Static

For my first example, I decided to use the Google Maps Static Map API. This has been a favorite API of mine for years as it's less an API and just a URL. For instances where you don't need a dynamic map, the Static Map API is simple as hell and just requires you to craft a URL with location information in it. I began by building a new Alpine application that would render the location of each store along with a map. I'm displaying the latitude and longitude values which you would probably never do as 'regular' people don't really care. Instead, I'd display a street address.

<div x-data="app">
    <template x-for="store in stores">
            Store location: <span x-text="store.lat"></span>,<span x-text="store.lng"></span><br/>
            <img :src="getImageUrl(store.lat,store.lng)">

For each store, I'm calling out to a method, getImageUrl, that will return the Static Map API URL I need for my images. Here's my Alpine application in its entirety, except with the JSON trimmed a bit for size.

const MAP_KEY = 'AIzaSyC3hC35ehz1oAfUll7q7qzUlPa27Gz5g5g';

document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
  Alpine.data('app', () => ({
        getImageUrl(lat,lng) {
            return `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=${lat},${lng}&zoom=15&size=400x400&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7C${lat},${lng}&key=${MAP_KEY}`

imagine this was an API call..
function getStores() {
    return [
        // list of stores here

As an example, the URL for the first store is:


You can see that blow:

Static Map image

Notice that I center my map at the location and add a marker so it's really obvious what I'm pointing out. Markers can have different colors and labels, but I'm keeping it simple for now. Here's a CodePen showing the complete application.

See the Pen Alpine + Google Maps 1 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.

A Dynamic Map

For my second example, I wanted to do a proper dynamic Google Map, but just that, and nothing more. Normally I would not use Alpine.js if my only goal was to render a map and nothing else. The Google Map JavaScript library isn't hard to use and if I don't need Alpine, then there's no reason to load it.

But in working on this demo, I ran into some interesting issues. First off, both Google Maps and Alpine load asynchronously. If in my next version I want to add Alpine functionality that is integrated with the map, I'd need a way to handle that. I did some Googling and came across this helpful resource: Calling Alpine.js methods from third-party scripts. The blog entry describes a method by which you fire off a custom event from your Google Maps code that Alpine will listen to. Their code didn't work for me right away, I had to tweak it a bit, but let's take a look.

First, here's how you add the Google Maps JavaScript SDK (with some additional line breaks for clarity):


Notice two important things here - first my key (which I've locked to a few domains so it's safe to be here) and more importantly, the callback function. This will be called when Google Maps is ready.

Here's my initMap, taken from the Google Maps docs and modified slightly:

// earlier in the code: 
let map;
// The location of Uluru
const uluru = { lat: -25.344, lng: 131.031 };           

function initMap() {
  // The map, centered at Uluru
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
    zoom: 4,
    center: uluru,

  window.dispatchEvent(new Event('map-loaded'));

Notice how I'm dispatching a custom event? Back on the Alpine side, I can then add an app-wide listener for that like so:

<div x-data="app" @map-loaded.window="doMapStuff()">
    <div id="map"></div>

Now let's return to Alpine:

document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
  Alpine.data('app', () => ({
        init() {
            if("google" in window) this.doMapStuff(); 
        doMapStuff() {
            console.log('do map stuff');
            // The marker, positioned at Uluru
            const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: uluru,
                map: map,

First, it's possible Google Maps loads before Alpine, so in init, I check for it and if it's there, I do my map stuff. That function, doMapStuff, is the same one called by the Alpine event listener. So either way - I'm covered. In this case, I just add a marker to the map. You can see the complete demo below.

See the Pen Alpine + Google Maps 2 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.

Map with Alpine Data

Alright, so let's combine that map data from the first sample with the dynamic version from the second example. First, I modified the HTML a bit to include a new control that lets the user filter to stores open twenty-four hours a day:

<div x-data="app" @map-loaded.window="doMapStuff()">
    <label><input type="checkbox" x-model="alldayfilter"> Filter to 24 Hour Stores</label>
    <div id="map"></div>

In the JavaScript, I began by modifying doMapStuff to render one marker per store:

doMapStuff() {
    console.log('do map stuff');
    this.stores.forEach(store => {
        store.marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: { lat: store.lat, lng: store.lng },
            map: map,


Notice that I'm creating a marker object and storing it in my store data. Why? This allows me to toggle visibility when the checkbox is changed. To support that feature I used a watcher:

this.$watch('alldayfilter', val => {
    this.stores.forEach(store => {
        if(!val) store.marker.setVisible(true);
        else {
            if(!store.allday) store.marker.setVisible(false);

When alldayfilter changes, I either set every marker to visible or conditionally hide those that aren't open all day.

Once again, here's the CodePen:

See the Pen Alpine + Google Maps 2 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.

That's it - let me know what you think, and if you've used Google Maps with Alpine, give me a shout-out so I can see it in action!