Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

A little over a year ago I joined IBM as a developer evangelism for the MobileFirst server. I was incredibly excited to be back as an evangelist after my small taste of it at Adobe. Over the past year I've travelled to multiple countries, spoken in front of hundreds of developers, and have had the great pleasure of introducing people to IBM's mobile offerings.

A few months ago, I began spending time looking at LoopBack and StrongLoop. I was incredibly impressed with the tools. I was reminded about the first time I saw Express. Before Express, I thought Node was "cool", but I wasn't really interested in ditching ColdFusion and rewriting everything in JavaScript. Express changed all that. With Express handling so much boilerplate code I began to get really excited about building things in Node.

For me, LoopBack and StrongLoop represent the same type of "jump" that I saw with Express. As more and more development moves to the client and our servers turn into - essentially - just API providers, I really see these frameworks as being essential tools for Node developers.

So much so that I've changed roles at IBM as of this Monday. I am now on the StrongLoop team as a developer evangelist. Of course, you probably guessed that by the title. I'm already speaking on StrongLoop next week at Fluent, and at a few other conferences coming up soon. I'll still be blogging about my other passions of course, and the Ionic folks would have to adopt Jar Jar as a mascot to get me to stop blogging about them.

Finally - thank you again to everyone who reads this blog, posts comments, and keeps me on my toes. I love being able to share my knowledge with you and I hope to do so until I'm old and gray. (Ok, I'm already a bit old and gray, but let's just ignore that fact for now. ;)