Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got
an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me
on LinkedIn.
Yep, time again to make a list I'll be guilty over in a year. ;) Actually, let me start off by reviewing what I said last year:
- Finish Couch to 5K: Actually, I did this. I was pretty proud of this accomplishment. Currently though I'm not running. During the summer I switched to walking outside and loved it. The fresh air - the scenery (I noticed that even when I followed the same path, I saw new things every day) - etc. I stopped running and just plain walked. That worked fine until Fall and the weather got chillier. Now I'm back on the treadmill, but using an incline for most of my workout. My heart rate gets up and it feels like a great workout.
- Git rid of the gut: Um, next please. ;)
- Presenting outside my comfort zone: I think I did pretty good at that. I presented at my first jQuery conference, spoke on mobile and HTML5. My next presentation is this Saturday in San Francisco on PhoneGap. (I need to dig up that URL tomorrow.)
- Learn Python: Nope, didn't happen. I looked at it - played with it a bit - and liked it - but just didn't have time to make it stick. This year though my plan is to learn, and actually use, Ruby. I had a pretty negative opinion of it's syntax, but now that I've taken a deeper look at it, I'm beginning to appreciate it.
- Finish BlogCFC6: Read This
- Finish DD - a game for the Playbook. Sorry - I just do not think the Playbook is worth my time anymore. I had high hopes for the platform, but it's just too much of a pain to work on. I will never understand why a company would put barriers up to develop on a device. Temporary tokens? Screw that. I still want to build the game I had in mind... but probably not any time soon. (Ditto for the other game, Game2.)
- Hiking: I did my first hike (well, I hate to call it a hike - I walked in the woods with my kids for half an hour) a few months back. It's a start.
Given the above - these are my plans.
- Try a native application on Android. I love PhoneGap, but I'd like to try native development on Android at least once. I'm also going to be downloading Visual Studio Express and trying Windows Phone development.
- 10 real pushups. Yes, you can laugh now. Setting a small goal so I know I can make it. ;)
- Release my ColdFusion course on Udemy. Got an outline done. I've decided to make it for CF10 so I have a bit of time to wait.
- Finish Skyrim. Not sure this will be possible. I may need to wait till 2014.
- Right now I feel like I'm almost an intermediate-level JavaScript developer. I know that title doesn't really mean anything, it's just my gut feeling based more on what I know I don't know. I'd like to get to be slightly above intermediate. I guess you could say - I want to be more comfortable with OO in JS, larger applications, and be able to "see" myself at an advanced level next year.
- Release my jQuery Mobile book. Ok, this one isn't fair. I'm more than half done and I signed a contract. Nothing wrong with putting easy wins up here, right?
That's it. See you in 2013 for an update.