Earlier today Adobe announced sessions for MAX 2011. You can see the list of ColdFusion sessions now. Some people remarked that 5 sessions seemed pretty slim. I just want to point out that one of the reasons there are fewer ColdFusion sessions than other products has everything to do with the fact that one of the four Unconferences is in our hands. We look to have 15 sessions this year (still nailing down those details) and hope to have the same level of quality as last year. With that being said, we've already got some great speakers line up. Some are still a maybe, but for now, I can confirm...
Dave Ferguson
Kev McCabe
Luis Majano
Rob Brooks-Bilson
Mike Brunt
So - do you want to speak the Unconference? If so - please send me an email. (You can use the contact form linked to in my navigation.) Please send me your proposed session topic along with a brief description.
Please note that we can't cover your ticket. You need to either be a MAX attendee or have an exhibitor pass.
As a reminder, you can see sessions - as they approved - here: http://www.coldfusionjedi.com/page.cfm/coldfusion-unconference