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Danny asks:

I basically want to know if it's possible to have two different y-axis units/values and title? Let's say series #1 is random from 1-10 and then series #2 is random from 1000-10000. If you put those two series onto the same graph having only one y-axis, then the first series will not be readable. So, left y-axis would feature the first series and the right y-axis would feature the second series.

I have to admit - I wasn't sure what he meant at first. Then he provided a nice sample graph:

This made sense to me. Basically he has two sets of data with different ranges of Y values. Danny said he tried the chart editor, which as my readers know is the first place I always suggest folks to look. I tried as well and like Danny, I wasn't able to get it working. I did some quick Googling and came across this example. I played around with the source code, did some tests back in the chart editor, and finally figured it out.

In the style XML you can define a series as using a different y axis. For example:

<elements place="Default" shape="Line" drawShadow="true"> <series index="0" shape="Line" isSecondAxis="true"/> </elements>

This says that the first series (remember, it is 0 based, since lord forbid people start counting with 1 like sane folks) represents the second axis. The shape should match the type of graph you want of course. You can use index="1" to specify the second series as well.

Ok, so let's do a demo. First, I'll create two queries of data:

<cfset q = queryNew("year,sales","integer,integer")> <!--- generate random sales data ---> <cfloop index="y" from="1994" to="1998"> <cfscript> queryAddRow(q); querySetCell(q, "year", y); querySetCell(q, "sales", randRange(80,220)); </cfscript> </cfloop> <cfset q2 = queryNew("year,employees","integer,integer")> <!--- generate random sales data ---> <cfloop index="y" from="1994" to="1998"> <cfscript> queryAddRow(q2); querySetCell(q2, "year", y); querySetCell(q2, "employees", randRange(2,8)); </cfscript> </cfloop>

The first query represents sales figures over a 5 year period. The second query represents how many employees they had during those years.

Next up is the XML I'll use for the style:

<!--- style from webcharts ---> <cfsavecontent variable="style"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <frameChart is3d="false"> <elements place="Default" shape="Line" drawShadow="true"> <series index="0" shape="Line" isSecondAxis="true"/> </elements> </frameChart> </cfsavecontent>

Notice there my elements and series tags. Now lets render the charts:

<cfchart chartWidth="400" chartHeight="400" title="Sales" style="#style#"> <cfchartseries type="line" query="q" itemColumn="year" valueColumn="sales" serieslabel="Sales" /> <cfchartseries type="line" query="q2" itemColumn="year" valueColumn="employees" seriesLabel="Employees" /> </cfchart>

The important thing to note is that the first chart series, sales, is what will be on the right side of the chart. Here is the result:

There ya go. Hope this helps others, and here is the complete template if folks want to quickly test it.

<cfset q = queryNew("year,sales","integer,integer")> <!--- generate random sales data ---> <cfloop index="y" from="1994" to="1998"> <cfscript> queryAddRow(q); querySetCell(q, "year", y); querySetCell(q, "sales", randRange(80,220)); </cfscript> </cfloop> <cfdump var="#q#"> <cfset q2 = queryNew("year,employees","integer,integer")> <!--- generate random sales data ---> <cfloop index="y" from="1994" to="1998"> <cfscript> queryAddRow(q2); querySetCell(q2, "year", y); querySetCell(q2, "employees", randRange(2,8)); </cfscript> </cfloop> <cfdump var="#q2#">

<!--- style from webcharts ---> <cfsavecontent variable="style"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <frameChart is3d="false"> <elements place="Default" shape="Line" drawShadow="true"> <series index="0" shape="Line" isSecondAxis="true"/> </elements> </frameChart> </cfsavecontent>

<cfchart chartWidth="400" chartHeight="400" title="Sales" style="#style#"> <cfchartseries type="line" query="q" itemColumn="year" valueColumn="sales" serieslabel="Sales" /> <cfchartseries type="line" query="q2" itemColumn="year" valueColumn="employees" seriesLabel="Employees" /> </cfchart>