Yesterday I complained about how much of a pain it was to get access to UPS's API service. Once I did get in - the docs weren't terribly helpful either. I was able to eventually find what I needed though early this morning. With that I'm happy to announce the initial release of the UPS Package (get it, UPS Package! I kill me).
Right now there are no docs and the only service I support is Address Verification. Obviously I will add to this. In order to use the code though you will need to go through the painful process I had to go through. I can say that once you do get your XML key and login info, it should work pretty easily. Here is a simple example:
<cfset av = createObject("component", "").init(application.key, application.username, application.password)>
<cfset results = av.addressVerification(city="Lafayette", state="LA",postalcode="70508")>
<cfdump var="#results#">
By the way - the UPS documentation had a wonderful little gem about displaying a disclaimer in your code "from time to time". I kid you not. They want you to do it every now and then. Ahem. Well, I added a getDisclaimer() service to the CFC. Use it - um - from time to time.
You can download the zip by clicking Download below. As I said, you must have your own login and key. The avtest1.cfm file is not going to run out of the box until you set up the right application variables.